Policies & Procedures

POLICIES (wherein Dannie acts like a hard-ass so we're on the same page.)

·        This service is not intended for rough or first drafts. Please send your best work so that you get the most benefit for your money. You will get more out of a paid edit if you've had at least two beta readers and/or critique partners review your work prior to seeking editing services.

·        Documents must be submitted in MS Word format (.doc or .docx).

·        A line edit focuses on line-by-line editing of the manuscript. I'll be looking for grammar and punctuation, redundancy, diversity or overuse of dialogue tags, word choice, and other small-picture items. I will also include any glaring global areas for improvement I see, but that will not be my focus in a line edit. Please note that a line edit is NOT proofreading.

·        A global edit examines big picture needs of your manuscript--Characterization, Voice, Pace, Setting, Story Arc, Logic Leaps, Inconsistencies, etc. I will also include any glaring line edits I spot while reading, but this will not be my focus in a global edit.

·        Consultation: Assessment of mental health, psychological, or developmental disability themes of your partial manuscript. This is provided in a similar manner to a global edit, without inline comments, and examining only this particular aspect of your manuscript.

·        Coaching: So here's the thing...writing is not easy on the soul. Putting your words out into the world is not easy on the mind. And querying is like that especially hellish weed out class they make you take in college before you can get to the fun classes in your major. There will be big decisions you need to make along the way that require an objective perspective. My background in counseling and life coaching combined with my experience as a writer make me uniquely qualified to support a writer through the highs and lows of the journey to publication. This service is conducted via online chat.

·        Coaching is not a clinical mental health service. If I feel there is more going on with you unrelated to your writing goals or that requires ongoing support, I will provide you with resources in your area. It is my ethical stance that clinical work should NEVER be conducted over the internet.

·        Feedback on line edits will be inline in your document and as "comment bubbles" in MS Word.

·        Feedback on global edits will include an edit letter and some comments in line, with an emphasis on big picture changes rather than line edits.

·        All full manuscript edits include a complimentary query edit (one pass.)

·        The timeline to complete your edit will depend, in part, on the needs of your manuscript. If, after beginning the edit, I determine more time will be needed than originally quoted, I will let you know within 48 hours of receiving your manuscript.

·        Fees for service are to be paid through PayPal only.

·        I reserve the right to return your manuscript and your payment to you should I feel that the manuscript's needs far exceed the services I provide. This will happen under very rare circumstances where I am clearly the first person besides the writer to see this manuscript or the writer has not bothered to spell and grammar check before clicking Send.

·        I empathize with the challenges of an unpublished author. You are essentially working for free until you sell your first book. For this reason, I offer low but competitive rates for my editing in the hopes you will share my contact info with others in your position if you are satisfied with my services.

·        Ultimately, I reserve the right to refuse any project.


·        Use the comment form in the side bar of my blog to send me an email: Include the requested service, anticipated timeline, word count, genre, and any other pertinent details.

·        I will write back with a quote and estimated timeline to perform the service. If I feel I will not be able to meet the timeline you are hoping for I will let you know upfront.

·        For full critiques, 75% of payment is taken upfront. For all other services the full fee is expected up front. Then we will arrange for you to submit your work for editing.

·        I will confirm receipt and give you an estimated date of delivery after skimming the first few pages.

·        I will review your glorious, heart-carved words and provide the feedback you seek. I will keep my snarky snark to a minimum.

·        When your manuscript is ready, I will return it to you, (at which time the remaining 25% of your fee should be submitted through PayPal if you are seeking a full mss critique.)

·        If your service includes a chat/consultation, that will be arranged via email at this time.

·        Any ongoing communication needed for the purposes of clarifying information provided in the critique can be provided by email only.

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